Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Took A quick Spin

This is going to be a long post:
Here Mama is blogging from the hospital bed. This is my 33 weeks, with 7 more to go. For those who knows Mama knows that she is petite (5 ft 1 1/2in tall), underweight when compared to the American chart to begin this pregnancy. Not a big deal. Daddy is not Hulk Hogan either. In fact he is average for an Asian. Mama and Daddy both do not expect me to be a huge baby. Hence, they are not surprised that I am considered small when I am charted.

Mama went for what she thought was a normal sonogram yesterday (Monday) to make sure my growth is just showing on the "smaller side". We found out that the amiotic fluid is on the borderline low. Should it fall lower and lower, the doctors might decide to take me early when they feel that the hospital incubator is a better incubator than Mama's tummy. With the emotions that went through Mama's mind went, she started breaking down. The doctor wanted to put me on a non-stress test. That is where it spiral out of control. At 33 weeks, with 7 more to go, Mama already have mild contractions. 12 in 1 hour - that is definitely not good.They put Mama on more medication to stop the contractions and a steroid shot to prepare my lungs just in case I do come out early without fully developing. After the contraction medication wore off, contractions came back again. That is when the doctors decided that Mama needed to stay overnight for observations.

Mama is holding up fairly well now. It has been almost 24 hours since she started receiving news she could barely digest. She's doing her best to take her mind off thinking that me- the perfect gift from God would have to endure before I come out to be with Mama and Daddy.

Dr. Hsu came in for a short visit this afternoon. She says that she is doing all these for pre-cautionary measures and that I am still in great condition.......Mama's staying in the hospital for a few more days. At least until she sees Dr. Brown-Elliott again.

1 comment:

Tweetheart said...

Dear Loreena & Michael,

We're praying for you both and the precious one. Hang in there!

Christine, Don & Catherine