Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I'm 2-months old today

Happy Birthday Aunt Laura!!! It's her birthday today. She told Mama and I that she's 25 and she'll keep on celebrating her 25th birthday. I thought it was so funny.......

The reflux is slowly behind me but every day I battle with gassiness. My mama says I look so cute but the smell isn't. Not sure why but we'll find out from Dr. Wong tomorrow when we will go get my 2-month shots. Ouch! I'm not looking forward towards it.

Good thing, Mama and Daddy are taking me.

PS: Do you know what is my latest favorite tune? It's not lullabye or any rock/ soft comtemporary music. It's the sound of Mama's hair dryer. Daddy recorded it for me. They play it on their laptops whenever I get fussy..... Ahhhh.... the sound of hair dryer calms me much more than the Rainforest lullabyes.

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