Monday, December 24, 2007

My first Christmas

Tomorrow will be my first Christmas....yeah. I am so excited that I get to spend this time with my mommy and daddy. I also get to spend this time with chay chay LiAnn, aunty Nicole, uncle Ron, grandpapa and grandmama Yeo, aunty Laura, uncle CJ, baby Laynce and also uncle Mark.

Daddy is making turkey for dinner. I know mama bought me lots of presents. We went to Christmas eve service tonight and there was a lot of people. I am glad we went and know why we are celebrating Christmas. I am glad that God place me here. Mama is so great. She always takes care of me dispite her busy schedule and her fatigue. I love my mama.

Mama, I love you and Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Happiest Baby on the Block

This heart-felt post is written by none other than Baby Meng's mama:

I wished someone had told me just this one sentence right from the beginning when we took Meng back from the hospital.

"The next 3 months of your baby's life is going to be your 4th trimester"....

Why was this so important?

Well, maybe I dont have too much common sense but when I heard Dr. Harvey Karp mentioned it in his video tape, The Happiest Baby on the Block, everything else just seems to fall into place. I was trying my very best to keep my baby calm when he is fussy. Some of the things I do is instinctual, but I wished I had known more.

The biggest gist of the lesson I took was to imitate the actions/ sounds I possibly can because the first 3 months of my baby's life is still so new and foreign to him. Hence, he wants to get back to his friendly environment - one that he's known for 37 weeks: in my womb.

Dr. Karp talked about the 5 S's:

(1) Swaddling: We all know babies like to be swaddled. They told us at the hospital. But when my in-laws came into town when Meng was 1-month old, like most parents would share their opinions about child-rearing. After taken care of 4 babies and 2 grandbabies, how would they not know it all? I listened but sometimes I wished I hadnt. Meng was struggling when he was swaddled. So, we thought he didnt liked to be tied. We were not so correct. The video taught us that after he cries for a while and trying other S's, he'd be okay. All he really wants is to go back to his friendly environment - in my womb, true enough there isnt too much space for him to let him throw his arms all over, later to scare himself because he feels he is falling.

(2) Stomach Position: After swaddling, we turn the baby over to lay part on his tummy. If you can imagine the nursing position, this is exactly the same thing except that it's on the reverse with the baby facing away from you. A crying baby enjoys having some weight on his tummy, hence with his tummy resting against your arm, this will definitely soothe him. We tried with Meng and it worked! Because Meng has reflux, we position him to sleep on his side. He moves and squirms throughout his sleep and we would find him back on his back when we get him up. But he doesnt seem to have a problem with that.
Try it, turning your baby on his side might just work for you too....

(3) Shushing: No one told me this but babies find comfort in the sounds of hair dryer, vacuum and static sounds. They call that White Noise. Apparently, that's a familiar sound in the womb. It works amazingly with Meng and it calms him down instantly. Michael is such a smart dad. He recorded the sound of my hair dryer and we play it on the media player in the repeat function! Instead of having to turn on the hair dryer for hours at a time. We also play this sound with Meng's baby monitor (tune to the static noise). It sits near Meng when he sleeps. It soothes him.... Having being swaddled and the constant noise of the shushing works almost all the time.
Dr. Karp shushes the baby next to his ear and then instantly, the baby calms down: after swaddling, placing the baby in his stomach position and shushing the baby to sleep.

(4) Swinging: Meng enjoys our Malaysian swinging hammock. It wraps him in a position where he feels as if he is being cuddled. Here in the US, they have a slightly different version. AmbyBaby..... Meng takes his day naps in what we call the "sa-rung". The only mistake which we learnt now is that we did not buy the automated version... Meng's granddaddy and grandma rocks him to sleep during the day. Just very unfortunate that Meng is a very light sleeper - like his Mama. He needs to be rocked constantly. If you just stop for 3 seconds, he starts crying.
Dr. Karp mentioned in his video that after the baby is calmed down, we can put him on the swing. Strap the baby down and jiggle him pretty vigorously for a good 10-15 seconds. Then turn the swing on on the FAST speed. The slow speed doesnt work. True enough, Meng can calm down and relax this way too.

(5) Sucking: I really had a hard time with this at first. Like many mommies, I was afraid that Meng will become attached to his pacifier and might even have an ugly sucking mouth as a result of constantly on the pacifier. I'm not sure about your baby but even within Meng's first month, he has shown me that he will outgrow it. Very often he would just pushes the pacifier away. Sucking is an instinctual reaction for babies. I have tried nursing him even when it wasn't time. All he wanted was something to let him close his eye and nursing could let him do that when the pacifier doesn't work.
Dr. Karp showed that you can also let the baby suck on your thumb. I havent tried that yet but so far, just having the pacifier works wonders.

Once Meng has almost all these S tips, he could calm himself to go to sleep. Most of the time, all Meng needs is to be swaddled and on his pacifier. Every once a while the shushing sounds need to be played on the background. The swinging works during the day.

I've only been a mommy for 2 months of my life. Everyday is a new lesson. His patterns change every few days and we have to find something new or try different versions of the same thing. Now I understand that Meng still needs to go back to the environment where makes him feel secure...

The first 6 weeks really made me feel totally horrible as a mommy. I really thought that I wasn't fit to be one just because I knew what I had to do, but others around me tell me that I am spoiling my baby. He wants to be cuddled and then he could sleep longer. That's because he feels as if he's still in my tummy. As he grows older, I truly believe that this is also a special bond between Meng and I. Just last night at the restaurant, we handed the baby from one person to another just to calm him down. He wasnt crying loud, but he was just whimpering. I wanted Daddy to find his ways of calming Meng down but there's just too many grandmas around to take the opportunity away from Daddy. At last, I took Meng and carried him. Instantly, he recognized the cuddling feeling of my arms and remained satisfied the rest of the evening.

Meng's fussiness really did get to me. So many times I just decided to let him cry it out and when he's tired enough, he'll fall asleep. I dont think this is wrong but the people around me shows me faces as if I didnt care about my crying baby. Back before I understood what Meng actually wanted (his womb environment), I would just let him fuss. There are times I really did get upset. Before I had Meng, I thought I was a very low-tempered person. Nothing could get to me. Oh boy did I face my first! It's not Meng but the fact that I cannot calm my own baby down.

As new mommies know, there are too many advice for you to take. 10 people will share with you 100 ideas. It only gets you confused. Bring out your motherly instinct - because I know you have it. Then soothe and calm your baby down the way your instinct tells you. Dont let anyone tell you any different.

Again, I understand that this is another unsolicited advice. I'm not here to tell you what will work for your baby but what had worked for me.

After I realize why Meng gets fussy, I dont get frustrated with him anymore. When he continues to get fussy, I just keep trying different versions of the 5s techniques, knowing that when he feels secure and familiar, he will stop.

Bathing: My mom taught me to talk to Meng when we shower him. All babies love to bathe and I didnt know why. When the water is warm enough, Meng feels really comfortable in it. Again because in my tummy, he sits in the waterbag - where the water was really WARM. My mom taught me to splash water onto his chest first..... Patting him and giving him confidence that the shower bath was going to be okay. My mom really taught me alot of stuff. That I am grateful for.

By far, the best advice I think I can give a new mommy is to find your instincts to calm your baby. What works for Meng, will not work for Laynce and what works for Laynce will not work for Hudson. I also learnt not to give unsolicited advice. All it does is to confuse the new Mommy and Daddy.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I'm 2-months old today

Happy Birthday Aunt Laura!!! It's her birthday today. She told Mama and I that she's 25 and she'll keep on celebrating her 25th birthday. I thought it was so funny.......

The reflux is slowly behind me but every day I battle with gassiness. My mama says I look so cute but the smell isn't. Not sure why but we'll find out from Dr. Wong tomorrow when we will go get my 2-month shots. Ouch! I'm not looking forward towards it.

Good thing, Mama and Daddy are taking me.

PS: Do you know what is my latest favorite tune? It's not lullabye or any rock/ soft comtemporary music. It's the sound of Mama's hair dryer. Daddy recorded it for me. They play it on their laptops whenever I get fussy..... Ahhhh.... the sound of hair dryer calms me much more than the Rainforest lullabyes.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Photo Updates

Mama finally have the latest photo updates of me on Google. Oh boy was that tough to find time to do.......

2 weeks old

Almost 2 months old

Friday, November 30, 2007

My Mama Loves Me

My Mama loves very much.

My acid reflux seems to be doing alot better since I've been switched on the Good Start formula (from Enfamil) several weeks ago. I still get them but it doesn't bother me as much as it did. The past few days, I have been very fussy from 6pm until 9pm. I would cry and cry and nothing Mama or Daddy could do to make me feel better.

Last night, Daddy tried the hair dryer because Mama read that "white noises" can calm babies like me. It did - for a little while. But last night was alot calmer than the nights before.

Photo taken by my Aunt Larissa on November 29. My cousin Laynce is 8 months older than me.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Alot to be thankful for

This Thanksgiving, Mama and Daddy has alot to be thankful. They have me as a new addition in the family. I am also blessed with so many people loving and showering me with gifts.

On November 10th, Mama's life group threw her a baby shower, which was postponed back in October. Mama was put to bedrest and she finally had the chance to meet her friends. Better yet, now I got to meet them personally. So many people took turns to carry me. I have the first spotlight shine on me and it was an awesome feeling. I received so many gifts that I'd be so excited when Mama let me use them.

Two weeks ago, Mama brought me to see Dr. Wong. She thinks that my acid reflux and gas are not that severe but she wants to take early precautions - just in case. She discussed about changing formulas and cutting back food that could cause gassiness. They decided to switch from Enfamil to Good Start. I have been on this formula for 2 weeks now and it has definitely made a difference. Even though I still has some reflux every once a while, it doesnt attack me like it used to.

It's 12:18pm Thanksgiving Day. Daddy just finished putting the ham into the oven. The turkey has been cooking for the past hour. We have all our family with us this year: Daddy's parents, Mama's parents, my greatgrandpa, my aunties Laura and Larissa, my uncles CJ, Lionel and Mark. Uncle Lionel's girlfriend, Jennifer is joining us. We will have turkey, ham, chinese fried rice, corn and mashed potatoes....

Mama will post pictures soon.

Friday, October 26, 2007

3 Weeks Old Today

I am exactly 3 weeks old today...... Life is great with Mama and Daddy. Most nights, Mama stayed up with me to feed and change me while Daddy takes care of me after he comes home from work and that gives Mama a break.

At 2 weeks old, I am now 19.5 inches, 6 lbs 6 oz and my head circumference is 13.378inches..... I sure am growing.

At 2.5 weeks old, I was 1 oz shy of 7 lbs. My grandma asked Daddy What They Are Feeding me???

I guess I just want to grow and grow.

I got some checks now too.

Mama is very busy with work and trying to take care of me. She hasnt had time to post any photos. But she will!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Week At Home

It's been a week since I am born. Life at home with Mama and Daddy seems to be peaceful (at least for now).... Some of Mama's friends came by to see me because they didnt get a chance to see me at the hospital. I was tucked away in the NICU unit.

Daddy has been great around the kitchen, cleaning and taking care of the household. Mama fed me most of the time while Daddy does a great job in making sure I have Texas-sized burps. Maxx accepted me as part of the clan.... He came to smell me twice and he hasnt been bothering Mama..... Yeah!!!!!

On Monday, I met my pedeatrician: Ms. Jenelle Wong..... She said that I have some mild jaundice and on Thursday, we went to see her again..... She said I'm getting better. Every morning and afternoon, I get to sun tan. Not bad I supposed... Me in my Huggies diapers.

Tomorrow (Sunday), I'd be able to meet my Grandpa, Grandma and Great Grandpa (Mama's side). Soon I'll be able to meet Daddy's too.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Good day for me.

Yesterday was a good day for me. I was in NICU after a few hours of being here. I was breathing too fast so the neonatoligist wanted to monitor me. I was admitted into the NICU around 5 ish pm on 10/5/2007. They put an IV on my right hand since I cannot eat yet. They monitored my blood sugar level. I didn't even cry when they poked me.... I am STRONG. The nurse put a tube in my tummy to feed me too. The doctor say I have to eat on my own before I can go back to the newborn nursery. I started eating now and have been eating on my own...yah!

Another good news: OU beat Texas...yah....Mommy said I will celebrate my birthday every year on OU-Texas weekend....haha. We call it the Beat Texas party.....

Today, I may be able to see more of Mommy and Daddy. The neonatologist said I am fit to graduate from NICU to new born nursery. I think we can all go home. I can't wait to see and meet my brother dog, Maxx. The nurses took out my IV and my feeding tube. Mommy have been feeding me and Daddy changing me.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007

I have arrived!!!!

I am made it!....Just in time to watch the big game tomorrow. Can't wait to taste some Bevo steak. Mommy did a great job. She put in all she can and delivered me in just 30 mins. My mommy is great.

I am 5lbs 9 oz and 19 1/4 inches long. Mommy and Daddy thought I was going to be right at 5 lbs but I gave them some bonus.. :) Mommy ate some good stuff the past few weeks. Yum yum.

Auntie Laura took a bunch of photos of here to see me.

Daddy will post more pictures later.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Maternity Photos

Aunt Suki ( took these pictures for Mama and Daddy over the weekend. As soon as Mama received these pictures, she needed to post them. Compared to what she looks like at Dr. Brown-Elliott's.
So enjoy......

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Our Last Visit with Dr. Brown-Elliott

Dr. Brown-Elliott said, for this last pregnancy......

She's a wonderful doctor - my maternal fetal specialist. Everything looks good and she gave the green light for Dr. Hsu to deliver on Friday. So, Mama and Daddy will check in on Thursday evening at 9:30pm (October 4th)..... The Day is coming soon. Real soon.

Mama swears she's only put on 29 lbs so far....

Between Doctors' Visits

We have been having many, many doctors' visits this last couple of weeks. It actually makes Mama feel better because she wonders how I am doing. Unlike being at the hospital, she's at home without the monitors on me.

Dr. Hsu had a vacation at my 36th week so Dr. Rovner saw us during this time. He's a pretty cool doctor. He has 30 years of ob/gyn experience. Last Friday, Mama was still at 1-2cm dilated and 70% afface.

Dr. Brown said that my growth has fallen less than 10%. Thus, there is an early indication of delivery soon. Maybe right when Dr. Hsu gets back on vacation (ie my 37th week). The fluid level is great (12) and Dr. Brown said that it's because Mama was doing a good job in staying at bed rest. I'm probably right around 5 lbs now. Yup, tiny I know but we cant expect much from Mama and Daddy. They are not big people either.

Mama and Daddy celebrated their last weekend together. Mama went with Daddy to return the extra and duplicate stuff at Babies R Us and Walmart. Before the doctors freak out, Mama was in the wheel chair the whole time. Being in the house for 3 1/2 weeks is difficult since Mama has always been so active. And then, they probably wont be going out right after I get home with them from the hospital.

Mama just spoke to Chassidy - Dr. Hsu's nurse assistant. It is confirmed that Mama will go into the hospital on Thursday (October 4th) at 9:30pm. So, there's a solid plan now.

Mama has set me up with an email address: Send me an email if you like. Robert (Daddy's co-worker and life group friend) thought this was so cool. He calls it Virtual Reality......

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Getting Close: More Updates

We are hanging in there..... Actually, Mama didnt think she'd say this but she's slowly getting used to bedrest. She really havent had such a long extended vacation. And it is good for her soul. She went into an abrupt stop at work and was struggling at first with priorities and such. But clearly, God who loves me very much knows how to get Mama's attention.

We are beginning to talk about possibily of delivering me. I have 2 doctors - a maternal fetal specialist (high-risk pregnancy) - Dr. Brown-Elliott and a regular ob/gyn - Dr. Hsu. Together, they make sound decisions for us. I feel blessed to have such capable doctors.

Surprisingly, the amniotic fluid level went up (12) from 8.5 last week - which is good news. The growth has slowed down to less than 10% - which is an indication of early delivery is on the horizon. Sometimes Mama feel stronger than mild contractions. Oh boy, they were right when they say it affects every part of Mama's back........

Daddy and Mama are "somewhat" ready for the me. Bags are packs and knowing them, so is the camera bag too. Life's really about to change. Given so much time to sit at home and think, they feel more excited than scared about what is in store for all three of us. I think Daddy will be a great daddy....

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

They say Pictures Say A Thousand Words

So here it is:

Mama & Daddy Decided....

Last week, Mama made Daddy decide my name: They were debating between Ming and Meng..... Not a whole lot of difference but this suggestion came from Grandpa Yeo. In our dialect (Teo Chiew), we would say Meng instead of Ming (in Mandarin).

So, I guess it will be Meng Elliott Yeo.

Mama and Maxx spent a full day at home yesterday (Tuesday). We didnt have to disturb Daddy at work. I am sure he feels peace at work. Mama's just staying in bed, getting up to go to the restroom, get lunch or water. Maxx did a better job at bedrest. He didnt get up at all!!!!

Per Dr. Hsu, we are trying to keep me in at least 2-3 more weeks. Mama is 34 week 6 days today. Tomorrow (Thursday), we will be officially 35 weeks. Mama is dilated at 1.5cm, about 3--40% and a minus - 2. (Whatever that means)!!!

Daddy is going to have to do alot more than he normally does. He came home, prepared dinner, cooked, cleaned dishes and kitchen. He knew Mama wouldnt like the kitchen grease still left on the cooktop. Then, he prepared good chicken soup for Mama and I on the crock pot. Cant wait to eat it tonight.....

Monday, September 17, 2007

Happy Monday

The weekend went by quickly. Friends and family came to visit us and it definitely makes the time pass by alot quicker. Daddy is at work now and he will be back for lunch. Good thing he works 5 minutes from the hospital.

Last Thursday, Mama did a Fetal fibronectin test. It came back POSITIVE. It does not mean that Mama will go into early delivery but a NEGATIVE result would confirm that Mama is not in preterm labor.

Mama still has 4-5 contractions an hour. Dr. Hsu let Mama have up to 8 before she raises her concern.

We went to see Dr. Brown-Elliott this morning. The fluid level is at 10.1 (10 is borderline low).... And she said that the cervix is looking low. Yet she is not concerned about needing to do an early delivery - Yippee..... I get to be baked a little longer.....

Friday, September 14, 2007

Still stuck here

Mama didnt get the green light to leave the hospital yesterday (Thursday 9/13). She went for a morning sonogram and the amiotic fluid went back up to 11.5 (yippee)!!! So, Mama and Daddy were ready to pack up and leave....

Not until Dr. Hsu checks Mama out completely though.

Ops..... it looks like Mama is 1cm dilated and Dr. Hsu said she can feel my little head. Yikes!!!

So, no going home but instead another shot of tribuline to ease the contractions and hopefully will stop the cervix from dilating further.....

Looks like we'll spend a few more days at the hospital.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Took A quick Spin

This is going to be a long post:
Here Mama is blogging from the hospital bed. This is my 33 weeks, with 7 more to go. For those who knows Mama knows that she is petite (5 ft 1 1/2in tall), underweight when compared to the American chart to begin this pregnancy. Not a big deal. Daddy is not Hulk Hogan either. In fact he is average for an Asian. Mama and Daddy both do not expect me to be a huge baby. Hence, they are not surprised that I am considered small when I am charted.

Mama went for what she thought was a normal sonogram yesterday (Monday) to make sure my growth is just showing on the "smaller side". We found out that the amiotic fluid is on the borderline low. Should it fall lower and lower, the doctors might decide to take me early when they feel that the hospital incubator is a better incubator than Mama's tummy. With the emotions that went through Mama's mind went, she started breaking down. The doctor wanted to put me on a non-stress test. That is where it spiral out of control. At 33 weeks, with 7 more to go, Mama already have mild contractions. 12 in 1 hour - that is definitely not good.They put Mama on more medication to stop the contractions and a steroid shot to prepare my lungs just in case I do come out early without fully developing. After the contraction medication wore off, contractions came back again. That is when the doctors decided that Mama needed to stay overnight for observations.

Mama is holding up fairly well now. It has been almost 24 hours since she started receiving news she could barely digest. She's doing her best to take her mind off thinking that me- the perfect gift from God would have to endure before I come out to be with Mama and Daddy.

Dr. Hsu came in for a short visit this afternoon. She says that she is doing all these for pre-cautionary measures and that I am still in great condition.......Mama's staying in the hospital for a few more days. At least until she sees Dr. Brown-Elliott again.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

2 Baby Showers Down, 1 More to go

Over the Labor Day weekend, Aunt Laura and Uncle CJ threw a baby shower for Mama and Daddy in anticipation for my arrival. So many of Mama's friends came. And so did mine. I received so many gifts and it is very overwhelming to know how many people loves me even before they seen me.

Mama & Daddy with my special Snoopy cake. Thanks Jennifer for the cake!

Aunt Laura, Mama and my Uncle Lionel

The following Friday (Sept 6th), Daddy's co-workers threw him a Baby Shower. Oh boy did we fill up Mama's car that day. Can you imagine how nice these people are to be of such giving hearts? They bought all but 1 item on the registry. How blessed I am. We have 1 more church baby shower to go at the end of September.

Cousin Laynce (7 months) and Baby Nathan (6 months)

Mama pray each day that I too would become a blessing to others when my time comes. I hope I can fulfill her dream.

For more pictures of my baby shower: Aunt Suki - the professional photographer took them. (Warning: I have over 200 photos in there)

Monday, August 6, 2007

Snoopy Bedding

Yesterday, Daddy and Mama put up my crib - which they bought from a nice lady by the name of Olga. They went to her house in East Plano, came home on Sunday and put it up. Yippee... I have a new bed when I come home from the hospital.

Aunt Laura bought me all the Snoopy bedding you are looking at.
I have so many people who loves me very much.
Good night and sleep tight.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Mama's big day

Today is mama's big's her birthday. Daddy is so proud of her. She accomplished so much this year. She got her brokage license, did all her real estate business and carry me around too. I am getting heavier by the day and she is feeling me more by the day. I have been active by the day. She can feel me stretching from one side of her stomach to the other.

Papa made dinner for mama tonight and she ate so much that her stomach is so huge. She is taking rest on the bed now and will soon fall asleep....Good Night Mama.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Little Setback But Not For Long

Mama's health suffered some setbacks at my 27th week. Things were going on splendidly well for her. She studied and prepared real hard for her Real Estate Broker's Exam. Sure enough, she passed!!! On the first try..... Yippee....

But Mama started bleeding the very same day she went for her exam. Mama waited a day to see if the bleeding would stop but it didn't. So, Daddy took her to see Dr. Hsu the very next day. We ran tests to make sure that the pregnancy was okay and it was. Dr. Hsu confirmed that it was her rectum area and nothing to do with the pregnancy. We did a sonogram too and that turned out fine too. Vicki - the sonogram assistant told Mama and Daddy that I am measuring on the "small" side, but other than that, everything is going like it should.

It's been the 7th day today. Last night (Tuesday night) was indeed quite horrible for Mama. She was awakened several times because of the pain and as of last night, decided to cancel all her appointments for the rest of this week. Her plans: stay in bed and get rested.

Today is Wednesday and after the horrific night, it seems that things are starting to feel better. Not as much bleeding. I think things are starting to turn better.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

At 26 weeks

At 26 weeks, we went to see Dr. Elliott-Brown and according to her, if all goes well, it would be the last time.

She said every part of me is growing like it should. Yippee!!! It's a relief for Mama and Daddy.

She said I was 1 lb 9 ounces. Wow. That's quite a bit. I have 3.5 more months to go.

And I am excited to see Mama, Daddy and all my uncles, aunts, grandpas and grandmas. They will all be at the hospital to greet me, I am sure (smiling!!!).....

Mama found some fun birthday facts for me:

My birthstone will be Opal (Hope)
My Astrological Sign will be Scorpio
My Flower is Calendula or Cosmos (White, Yellow and Varied) - but I am a boy!!!!
I will be born in the Chinese Year of The Pig
This time next year, I will be 38 Weeks Old! That's almost 9 months old. Haha.
I will start kindergarten in 2013, be old enough to drive a car in 2023, finish high school in 2026, and will graduate from college with the class of 2030, give or take a year.

Can you imagine?

Sunday, July 8, 2007

We took Mama's first few maternity pictures today. We had fun....... Daddy caught Bruno - the Bulldog smelling and licking Mama's tummy. He must be a pro now since he has Baby Laynce. Maxx still doesnt know. He just keeps wanting to looking into the camera.

If you want to see the album, check it out.
Check Out More Pictures

Thursday, July 5, 2007

6 months now and 4 more to go!!!!

I am 24 weeks old now - in Mama's tummy. We went to see Dr. Hsu earlier this week and everything sounds fine.

Mama's weight gain???? 8 lbs last month alone! Wow...... So, total weight gain is about 14 lbs so far.

Most people said that Mama's tummy is begining to show a little. Thank God, Mama's tummy is growing forward, not sidewards. She does feel like she wants to eat more - maybe coz I'm absorbing more of the nutrients now.

With my name chosen, I think the most important part of "Me" is done. Mama still hasnt had time to go by Walmart and Baby's R Us to confirm the things she wants to get for me. Mama said to wait for her to finish her Real Estate broker's exam first. I guess I will. We still have quite a ways to go, so we are not in a hurry.

Daddy is getting more and more excited. He spends the evenings - after dinner trying to listen to my heartbeat when Mama lays down. He can definitely feel my pushes too.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I am actively moooooving around!!!!

I have been actively moving around in mommy's tummy.... daddy felt my movement too last night. Mommy can feel me moving around during the day and sometime at night when she lays down to go to bed.

Mommy and Daddy agreed to a name for me....yippeeeee! I will get a Chinese name and an American name too.... First name Ming, Middle name Elliott.
Ming Elliott Yeo

Here is my name in Chinese. From top down....Yeo Ming. It means "Make Your Name Known".....

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!!

Daddy and I had our first Father's Day together - even though I'm not really officially out yet. Thank God it rained the whole weekend, Mama and Daddy didnt need to work. All three of us - (me in Mama's tummy) got to do something we haven't done in a long time........ being lazy.

Mama had a great day planned out. Church in the morning, good Vietnamese lunch (yummy), then Daddy had his 2nd lunch with the life group at Brooklyn's Pizza. We came home, lazed around and had stawberries dipped in hot Ghirdelli's Milk Chocolate. It couldnt get any better than that. We even sat down on the coffee table so that Maxx - my doggie brother could spend Daddy's Day......

Here's a little secret but after this, it's not going to be a secret anymore. Daddy has actually put on just as much weight as Mama. Daddy craves for cakes and ice cream..... Mama never really cared for it. I think Daddy better start heading back to the gym. Or else, like Mama said, He's starting to get a "man's" body - whatever that means. LOL.

Friday, June 8, 2007

20 weeks and counting

Mama went to see Dr. Hsu this week. It was a short visit. Mama gained back 2.5lbs, total is 6.5 lbs all in all..... My heartbeat is strong too. I am definitely growing. Mama's belly is begining to show. She said, No black clothes can hide it now.....

Maxx - my doggie brother loves to sleep on Mama's tummy. I think he knows about me too. I cant wait to see him, pull on his tail and sit on him like a big giant Chik-fil-a cow....

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I am boy!!!!!

Daddy and Mama went to Dr. Brown office and she did a sonogram. She measured my neck, head, leg, spine and all that she does. I was moving a lot too... She said, "Paint the room BLUE". Dr. Brown said I weighed about 7 oz. I am 7 inches long. Pretty soon Mama will be able to feel my movements.

Daddy and Mama were so excited to find out I'm a little boy. Mama wanted a little girl but God gave them a little boy. Mama calls me "Little Mikey"....hehehe. Mama thinks she has already has a name picked out for me. We'll see if Daddy likes it too. Grandpa Yeo will pick out a Chinese name for me. He won't know until I come into the world. I guess I will wait until October.

Mama has been out all day and she is tired. She is going to be bed early and so I will too.... nite nite Mama....sweet dreams.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tomorrow (May 24 - Thursday) is my big day

Tomorrow, Mama and Daddy will find out if I am going to be a little Mike-y or Mama..... LOL. I doubt I'm a shy baby. It will show tomorrow and the world will know. Haha.

Mama will drop Daddy off at work tomorrow and get him for a lunch date. Shhhhh..... don't tell anyone, but they are going for sushi. I know, I know, but Mama promised just to eat California rolls and cooked stuff. It's so hard coz Mama loves sushi. But Mama loves me more......

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Almost 4 months now!

Mama went to see Dr. Hsu with Daddy this morning. Everything looks great. My heart was beating 150 beats/second. Dr. Hsu went over the report from Dr. Elliot-Brown and it showed that I am healthy. However, the placenta is looking a little low. But Dr. Hsu assures Mama that almost 50% of pregnancies begin with that. She sent Mama back to follow up with Dr. Elliot-Brown at 18 weeks. She said she should expect that the placenta will be back to normal. However if it doesnt and the low placenta condition continues to remain the same, Mama might have to deliver me c-section. Ops. We'll see what happens.

Mama "lost" 2 lbs this month. I wonder why? But Mama is feeling on top of the world and standing in God's awesome power. She's back to her healthy self, exercising every weekday, 5 days a week. Walking for 3 miles a day - which takes almost 1 hour. Dr. Hsu said "It's okay" but the rest of the friends and family are naturally concerned.

Maxx - my Basset brother went for his semi-annual check up today too. What a coincidence! He's a big 68lb drooling Basset. Dr. Moore said that some dogs tend to be more concerned or loving because they might feel that Mamas are pregnant. I think that's what Maxx is feeling too. I think he can feel my presence!

Daddy's grandma went to heaven this morning. What a day! They both are grieving like the rest of the family.

Scripture of the day:

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Thursday, April 26, 2007

What will my name be...?

I went to Oklahoma on Tuesday with my Mommy and Daddy. They had some things to take care of while they were there. It was nice to see the place where Mommy and Daddy met. The weather was ok... Mommy and Daddy bought me tons of OU stuff... I got gifts even before I am here..... how lucky am I?

While we were in the car, they talked about what name to give me. They can't come up with anything yet. Only thing they agree upon was mommy will get to pick 2 boy names and 3 girl names and daddy gets to pick 3 boy names and 2 girl names. Then they will decide later.

Today I am a size of a lemon according to Mommy. I am growing and growing fast too.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Me again....

Dr. Elliot-Brown took some pictures of me and also made a video tape of me. I was very active moving around. That is how I grow according to the doctor. Mama and Daddy saw my arms, legs, fingers and my head too. Dr. Elliot-Brown took a picture of me looking at my Mama and Daddy... Can you see me looking at my Mama and Daddy?

Saturday, April 21, 2007

NT Screen Results Look Normal

Time flies and I'm already 13 weeks old in Mama's tummy. We went to see Dr. Carol Elliot-Brown yesterday afternoon (Friday). The NT screen checks to see if I may be at risk of down syndrome. Dr. Brown explained that with several different "criterias" and measurements that she plugs into the equation, that I might fall into either 2 ranges: Normal-Risk range or High-Risk range..... Based on what she saw, she felt comfortable that I look "good".

That was a relief to Mama and Daddy. They weren't concerned even if the result do not turn out positive. They believe that God has His mighty Hands protecting me all the way until I can come out to say Hi to everyone.

I am 6.2 cm long now. 2 weeks ago, I was a little more than 4 cm. Dr. Brown says that my growth is EXPONENTIAL now...... I'm growing and growing everyday. When Daddy has time, he will put another picture of me on the blog.

Scripture for the day:
Psalm 118:23
This is the Lord's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes........

Friday, April 13, 2007

Look at me....

Look at me....can you see me? Probably my daddy put my picture on the internet....yoooo first picture. You can see my head, leg, and my bottom.
My heartbeat was at 150s...pretty fast, huh?
My daddy and mommy saw me moving my arms and my legs.
Pretty soon I will be able to see you too...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It's Official - I'm 11 weeks

Mama and Daddy got up early Tuesday morning in anticipation of seeing me for the very first time. It's First Sonogram day! The sonogram technician told Mama and Daddy that I am healthy, measuring around 4.1 cm long. That's alot of growth in 11 weeks, I thought! My hands and legs are constantly moving. Mama and Daddy will NEVER forget the experience. Such amazing miracle from heaven that only God will entrust people with.

It's Wednesday morning and Mama had 5 straight hours of sleep for the first time since I came. She thought she feels good. Perhaps thank God for answering her prayers of restful sleep and a productive day the next.

Maybe it's the prenatal that's making Mama quesy and sick. Dr. Hsu asked her to try some multi-vits and folic acid.... Things are getting better since she stopped the prenatal supplements for the past 2 days (ops!). She'll get back on (smile).

Scripture for the day:
Phillipians 1:6
He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Yeo Daddy!

Yeo (Yo) Daddy, I'm here.

Mama and Daddy will see me for the first time tomorrow at Dr. Hsu's office. I hope that my heart beat will be strong enough for them to detect me in my Mama's womb.

I've been giving Mama a hard time since we came home from Malaysia. Mama and Daddy went to visit Daddy's grandma, thus missing my 8th week sonogram. Tomorrow, we will confirm if I'm indeed 10 weeks old in Mama's tummy.

Mama has been sleeping AlOT since she came home. She's feeling sick, tired and weak. She can hardly gather herself to step out of the house, let alone visiting with friends and sadly, missing church on Easter too.

Mama said that I am a very special Gift from God. She cant wait to step into motherhood and at the same time, understand more of what it means to having God love us as His children.

Scripture for the day:
Psalms 139:13-16
13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life
was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.

To date: Mama has put on 7lbs because of me!